The Carrera Group
Increasing company valuation using artificial intelligence tools

Create predictive growth for your company.

Companies that have predictive growth are easier to lead and their leaders sleep better!
We provide data-driven solutions to create predictive growth.

Do you find



  • Why is it so hard to consistently meet our revenue numbers?

  • Why aren't we hitting our sales goals?

  • Have we stopped growing? Our business seems flat.

  • Shouldn't more people know about our company and what we can do for them?

  • Are others in our industry doing better than we are?

  • I have a better product; why are my competitors ahead of me?

  • I've got a great group of really smart people working for me, so why can't we work together as a team?

  • I want better data on my company to help me make decisions and get my team aligned.

  • Why can't I let myself take a real vacation!

  • I seem to be working more hours and don't have much progress to show for it?

  • I need to spend more time with my family!

Running a company is challenging!

If you cannot establish predictable growth, you will have to face all these problems every day! You’ll probably try to solve them by working harder and harder, but the problems may get even worse if you do!


Our Solution

We use AI software to create a detailed view of your company’s performance compared to best practices and to your competitors.

As a Core Value Advisor, we provide assessments, analysis, and planning based on research from MIT.

As our client you will join over 40,000 leaders who have used our Core Value Advisor tools to gain over $14B in valuation with an average of 27% !

  • Create predictable growth!
  • Make your company easier to run!
  • Increase valuation!

O ur Experience

We know how hard it is to run a company! 

We have led startups, non-profits, fast-growth, and public companies.  But we found ourselves trying to plan for the future using financial results from the past.  We worried that even our best plans might not work. 

We ended up working harder, sometimes 80 hour work weeks! 

If we had had the Core Value Advisor tool-set that we have now, our companies would have performed better and our lives would have been much easier!

What others say…  


  •   If you intend to sell your company, work with Cal to get the best returns. His assessments and guidance help business leaders maximize the value of their firms. Cal helps you avoid due diligence issues and solve difficult problems that can derail the deal. 


 Clarence Cudanes, CEO – Worksculpt

  • Cal is a Principal at ExecHQ, a team of over 100 CXOs who provide C-level expertise to business leaders whenever they need it. Cal specializes in helping small businesses achieve increased valuations and predictable growth. I recommend him for anyone who would like help in achieving business success.   


 Jim Hoggatt, CEO – ExecHQ.

  • I have been working with Cal on methods to assess organizational performance and increase growth. He is using artificial intelligence to assess an organization’s strengths and weaknesses to help their executives plan and achieve optimum growth. Cal is an excellent choice if you need an experienced executive with high integrity and a passion for growth. 


 William Eggar, CEO – Highlands Advisory Services

  • Cal specializes in helping organizations grow. He uses AI tools to assess valuation gaps and applies his broad C-level experience to solve the gaps and provide needed growth. 


 Elliott Broderick, CPA – Eagle Rock Business Consultants

  • Cal is an amazing leader. His industry insight combined with his ability to inspire and lead people made a huge difference in our success. I am honored to have been mentored by Cal, and am very happy to provide this recommendation. Given his leadership skills, anyone would be lucky to have him.  


 Jules Fitzgerald Trono - Global Programs at AWS

  • There are very few people that leave a lasting imprint on your life. Cal is one of the one people for me. Cal taught me how to be a leader. He taught me how to get the very best out of the people that report to me, because he genuinely cares for people in his life. I am honored to call Cal a mentor and a lifelong friend.


 Mark Grasso,  - Director of Healthcare Sales at Virtustream

Your satisfaction is paramount

Our highly qualified experts will complete assigned tasks with speed and reliability

Dependable analysis to determine company value and strategies to increase it.

We use CoreValue tools to determine current value, potential value, and strategies to close the gap with maximum ROI.

Increase valuation for potential sale

Let us help you achieve the highest sales price for your investors!

Expert consulting to increase growth and improve operations

Looking for advice regarding private or personal matters? Contact us! Our highly qualified team will be there for you for whatever life may throw at you.

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